New Year Greetings

New Year’s card design (2012) Our family’s bicycle situation – We are “ECOLOGISTS”.

This year, my son turned 3 years old and we bought him his first bicycle. Coincidentally, around the same time, I bought a folding bike (BD-1) and my wife was using a city bike for work, so we decided to write a New Year’s greeting card about our family’s bicycle situation.

We tried to design it like a product catalog, adding the purpose of use, tire size, and features for each bike. (My son’s height (1,040mm) is one of them.

My son was three years old and his bike was tiny, so we didn’t go cycling together, but it was around this time that we started using our bicycles instead of the car more often, and I took the liberty of naming them “We are ECOLOGISTS.

2012 was the year of the dragon, so we put a small dragon in the bottom left corner.

By the way, I recommend the folding bike in the middle (BD-1). If you are looking for a folding bike but want to be particular about speed and performance, please consider it.


  • Easy to fold… It is not as easy as Brompton, but it is the best when it comes to driving performance.
  • Driving performance … The speed is unimaginable from the tire size, and the ride quality is good thanks to the suspension.
  • Stylish… The gentle streamlined shape is cool, and there are many color variations.

“This is a German manufacturer called “Riese & Muller”. The current product name has changed to “Birdy” instead of “BD-1”.

Here is a link to the manufacturer’s site. There is a distributor in Japan that handles this product.