Board Game

Recommended board game ~ “quoridor” The rules are super simple, just reach the opposite wall. The rules are super simple, just get to the other side of the wall, but there’s a twist at the end of the game, a strategic brain game!

This article is an introduction to the game “quoridor”, which originated in France.

Basic information

Objective of the game/win/lose

On a 9×9 board, each player starts by placing his or her frame in the center square in front of him or her (photo shows a 4-player game).

If your frame reaches the other side first (the other side), you win, that’s all.

While you are moving forward, use the fence to obstruct other players to win.

Number of players: 2 or 4

When playing with two players, it is a serious one-on-one game. It is 100% strategy and there is no element of luck.

However, when playing with four players, each player’s interests become intricately intertwined, leading to unexpected and exciting developments.

The time required for each round is short, so if you have three players, use a round-robin.

Time required: 15-20 minutes

The rules are simple, so even beginners can enjoy it in a little time.

Flow of the game

In each turn, a player may do only one of the following two things
 (1) Move one of your squares to one of the four directions (horizontally or vertically).
 (2) Set up the fence given to you in advance at the beginning of the game.

That’s it. The game progresses only by doing these things repeatedly.

The key point of the game is when and where to place the fence.

The number of fences is limited (10/person (for 2 players) and 5/person (for 4 players)), so using these as effectively as possible in the endgame can make a big difference in the development of the game.

In the photo, the black frame is about to reach the goal when it is blocked by a fence, so it has to go back to the goal by another route. The development of the game changes dramatically depending on the fence.


Rules are simple

For starters, the rules are super simple and beginners can enjoy it right away. The time required to play is also very short, so once you try it once and get the hang of it, you will want to play it again.

Recommended for interior design.

This game is made by Gigamic, a French company, the same manufacturer as the “QUARTO! This manufacturer’s series has a simple wooden board and frames, and can be used as an interior decoration for a living room table or cupboard.

By the way, the product in the photo is the “mini” version, 170 x 170 mm in size. The “mini” version is a better size to put in our house. (The texture of the wood is better than the original version.

(mini version) is also recommended for interior design. Please refer to the following links for more information.

What did you think?
I personally like games that have a good balance of luck (chance) and strategy, so I play quoridor when four people get together. Even if you are not familiar with board games, you can play with few rules to learn, and with four players, beginners often win depending on how the game develops, so I enjoy playing with board game beginners over dinner.