Board Game

Recommended board game – Four Seasons of Winery (VITICULTURE): A winery management simulation game to enjoy slowly while drinking wine.

This is a recommended article on the board game “VITICULTURE – Tuscany (Extended Edition)”. This is a winery management simulation game that reproduces a series of processes from planting grapes to maturing, producing and shipping wine. Not only wine lovers, but also those who like simulation games related to wine cultivation and management can enjoy the game.

Basic information

Number of players: 1 to 6

It is recommended to play with as large a group as possible, but you can also enjoy the game with as few as 5 or 6 players because the conditions are set according to the number of players.
One of the features of this game is that it can be played by a single player. In this case, you compete for victory with a pseudo-player (automaton).

Objectives of the game

“This is a worker placement board game based on the theme of winery management with a focus on wine making.
The goal of the game is to earn 20 VPs (victory points) before anyone else.
Starting with the assets inherited from your parents, you can earn VPs by developing your winery by using seasonal workers and gaining the cooperation of visitors to the winery to maintain the winery and produce and ship wine.

Time line in the game world

As the title “Four Seasons of the Winery” implies, each season has its own set of actions that can be taken in spring, summer, fall and winter. When winter ends, it is the end of the year, and we confirm the VPs and prepare for the next year. By repeating this yearly cycle for 5 to 10 years, you can get your goal of 20 VPs.

Time required

Depending on the number of players, my experience is that it takes 60 to 120 minutes.
Since there are multiple choices for each turn, the time required varies greatly depending on how much time each player has to think. If you have plenty of time, it is best to enjoy the game with a glass of wine.

Good balance of luck and strategy.

There is a good deal of luck involved, as you randomly draw various cards, including the first inheritance asset and visitor cards. However, since there are many action options and a high degree of strategy, if the players have the same level of experience, the balance between luck and strategy will be better and more enjoyable.

Difficulty level high. Recommended for people who like board games and simulation games.

The target age is 13 years old or older, but if your child is familiar with board games, even elementary school children can enjoy it. (Kadota (my son) has been enjoying this game with his family since he was around 10 years old.)
Since it is a management simulation game with rather complicated rules, I think people will have different tastes, and since it is difficult to understand all the details in one play, I think it is better for board game lovers and wine lovers to enjoy it slowly with their family or friends who play often.


World of game

The background of the game is that (1) you have inherited a winery from your long estranged parents and are now in charge of it, (2) the winery is old and run down and you have to rebuild it from scratch.

Inherited assets from parents

At the beginning of the game, you receive inherited assets from your parents. These assets also vary from player to player, and are determined by the first “Mom Card” and “Dad Card” drawn. There are 18 “Mom Cards” and 18 “Dad Cards” for each player, and each player receives the inherited assets written on them. These cards are only used at the start of the game, but they have the names and illustrations of Mom and Dad on them, so you can get into the world of the game even before the game starts.

A series of winery processes

From the construction of the facility/planting of the vines to the shipment of the wine, you can enjoy the series of processes of a winery in a realistic manner.

■Build facilities

The winery you have inherited is in disrepair and you need to build new facilities. There are facilities that are necessary for actions such as planting grapes and making wine, as well as facilities that provide bonuses for being there.
List of facilities: vineyard, water storage tank, windmill, tasting room, accommodation, farm horses, medium cellar, large cellar

■Purchase Vines

The first step is to purchase the vines that will be used to make the wine. The names of the actual grapes, such as Sauvignon Blanc and Syrah, are used to help you get into the game.

■Planting grape vines

You plant the purchased vines in your own vineyard. We own three vineyards, and the amount of vines we can plant is determined by the vineyard.

■Sell grapes/Trade vineyards

In the first half of the game, you want to set up your facilities, but you will have a hard time due to lack of funds. You can earn money by selling grapes before they are vinified into wine or by selling the vineyards you own.

■Harvesting grapes

From the vines planted in the vineyard, grapes can be harvested every year. The harvested grapes are then taken to the crusher. The transparent marker in the photo shows the harvested grapes.

■Order wine

Not all the wine you brew will be sold. You have to brew the type (red, white, rosé, sparkling) and the age (1-9) of the wine you ordered in advance to sell it. The symbol and number in the upper left corner of the card is the wine ordered, and the number below is the VP and bonus you can earn.

■Make wine

The wine is made according to the order. The transparent marker in the photo is the wine currently in the cellar, which will be aged year by year.

■Ship wine

When the order is completed, ship the wine and receive the VP bonus, which is based on shipping the wine more than anything else to earn VP.

There are other actions that can be taken in addition to the process of making and shipping wine.

  • Train workers… Increase the number of workers at your disposal.
  • Get support from visitors… You can do a lot of things with the help of the various visitors to your winery. More details will follow.
  • Inviting tourists to the winery… Inviting tourists is one way to make money.

Reality of visitor cards

One of the strategies that can greatly affect the outcome of the game is the “visitor cards”. There are a total of 76 visitor cards, 38 for each of the summer and winter visitors, all of which are different and unique. Of course, each card has its own illustration. With 76 unique visitors, you will never get bored of playing this game and will be able to enjoy the joy and sorrow of the visitors no matter how many times you play.

Warm and friendly game design

The warm design will further upgrade the game world view.

Wooden frame

The frames used in the game are made of wood. Also, each frame is carefully designed with a lot of detail. For example, I like the fact that the workers’ frames are not symmetrical. You can’t help but want to keep them in your hand during the game, and when you arrange them in your winery, you will feel attached to them.


The illustration of the game board, which represents a winery, is warm and inviting. The box is also illustrated with the same taste. By the way, the size of the box is 220 x 270 x 105 mm. It’s bigger than a Kojien (Japanese dictionary) and looks massive.

Summary: Recommended for the following people

  • If you like simulation games…you can simulate the winery process.
  • Wine lovers… I think you’ll be hooked on the maniacal concept.
  • Family and friends who want to take their time and enjoy it over and over again… The time required is relatively long, and the enjoyment will slowly increase as you do it over and over again, so repeat visits are a must.